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His mad plan to make himself first the Kaiser of Zeutch then the High King, claiming Peter's crown, were in ruins.As he pulled it from her mouth, he could tell by her expression the she really didn't like sucking on it, and decided to give her a choice, which would make her a much more willing cock-sucker in the future.She then wiped her mouth, said thank you, and walked away.“Society doesn't know what is best for my daughter, my wife knows.”Why wasn’t it?After Jan's orgasm finally subsided enter here into its after-glow phase, Lisa quit flicking Jan's nipple and continued on with her "I know" speech.She did manage to get one eye open, but the other was stuck.“Yeah, I think I got…” My brow furrowed as I felt a piece of paper in my pocket."No"Give him his first rimjob.The other girls, they are trained into absolute obedience, even when none of our overseers are present.Her large, round boobs gave way to a slightly paunchy tummy and flared hips.Oooh!She set the vibrator on the table.I w