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Charles opened his eyes after he noticed that the warm wetness was gone.“Yeah.” The jock said in a voice that was a dead give away that it was the first time he had gotten a reaction out of a woman sexually.As I moved down to her slightly rounded belly, I whispered to her, “Are you a virgin?”"T-thank you, Master," she panted.She said something to him and he put his cock into my pussy.It didn't come from me, but reached out to that same source I touched when I consciously made time flowed again.Sandy jumped eagerly into the rear seat of the SUV, placing her head on Scarlett’s shoulder as I drove home.Her heart was still pounding from the intense orgasm she just had, but it felt so good that she was not opposed to another one.RyanThat was Jan's second lie.I applied a strong compulsion onto him, one I knew would last for days after I was gone, directing him to burn everything, including the clothes he wore, returning the area to the natural state God had intended.Les pulled out