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Breathlessly watching, the other women had gone silent when he'd taken the knife, seemingly awed at the prospect of what might be about to happen.Don’t say it.The next day didn't improve.“Is there anything I can do to help?”I felt drained but still had this pep to my step as she clung to me.She let out a mix of an exhale and scream, like that voice you have when you’re too excited or scared to say anything, as her body writhed, then went limp on the table she was leaning on.I feel like if I look Bill in the face he will be able to read my private thoughts.The girl babbled incoherently.My father moved me up the bed inches each time his balls pulsed.I don’t know why I bothered putting out a knife and fork for her, she didn’t even acknowledge them.“Oh shit, my pager!” Emma said with a tone of alarm in her voice, and quickly vacated her place, digging through her clothes to get to it.Guys at the railing surrounding the dance floor were simply drooling all over themselves!Sh