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Newlyn sat beside her as he pumped a bead of precum out and let it slide down his shaft.He hated the fucking thing anyway – it was ugly, old, and it pissed just about anywhere it pleased."You'll do as Libra says or I'll break your arm, and then you'll do asI just lean the chair back and drop the window to get some fresh air, well as fresh as it will get in LA.“I’m your sister.”Last night I more than imposed on both of you and acted like some silly teenaged girl in love.Didn’t you read the contract?”“I don’t understand,” she replied in a stern tone of voice.She blinked, admiring the woman's beautifully deep eyes and sweet youthful face and was suddenly surprised to find her leaning in.I was thrilled, I had some shopping to do.“Ok, who wants to go next?My dick felt enveloped in her wet, hot, crevice.My cock was getting stiffer in my jeans.“Sean and Freddy here will hook you up and we can tow you back."Thank Merlin you're here.I shuddered, the delight surging through