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SLAP!In the meantime, he fantasized about his Petty Anne and how things would be when he got back to town, hoping that the doctor would let her know why he wasn’t coming back after a year like he had promised.You're a slut, Doris, that's why you came here dressed like a whore, looking for cock.“Fuck, yes.” Maria husks before grabbing a handful of the blonde’s ass to pull her in for a long lick."I also might get impregnated by it," Linda said sarcastically.She swallowed as she placed the two fingers at his sphincter.I pushed her away from me, I didn’t want to be touched, not by anyone.“Finish up in there, I’ll get your clothes.”I could feel a bead of sweat running down my brow and my heart trying to jump out of my chest.As he did, he leaned in and kissed his sister on the lips.I then told her he also ate her pussy before he started fucking you.Of course the most dirty thing her mind could imagine repeating was sex with her stepbrother.So let's hear it," Lisa said.Zizthit