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Don’t do anything stupid and we’ll get through this okay.” I had him right in the crosshairs throughout the entire conversation and I could have taken him out at any time, but I was hoping that wouldn’t be necessary.She did this a few more times, sliding up to the head before ploughing back down to the hilt, trying to get as much of my cock in her mouth as she could.I let her then feel my loneliness with all of this by hugging up to her.“I am truly, truly flattered that you are attracted to me in that manner but feel I may have misled you by allowing you to touch me without objecting.Whereas Natalie’s face was heart-shaped and innocent-looking, Amanda’s cute face was more angular, with more delicate cheekbones and those same gorgeous brown eyes.The geek got up holding his finger in the air.We were hired almost right out of college together as part of a new, specialized consulting company, but we’ve always gotten along like oil and water.After a couple of minutes Jim sa