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We returned back in an auto seating in the same position as earlier.But that’s where I came into the story."I don't know.This is...”I sighed and said, “Yes, Mistress.”Sarah’s attention was brought back to her lower body as she felt Jesse’s warm body slam against her ass.There was no indication if she heard him or not.I started to thrust in and out of her cunt, running my hands up and down her long smooth legs.He got some more wine, handed me my glass and bent down to kiss me…I turned my head and he landed a kiss on my ear…that was the beginning…I should have just kissed him on the mouth, gotten up and left with my money but I didn’t.Just kissing my ear got me started…I was ashamed of myself but what I did was, as he backed away, took his hand and pulled him to me for a mouth kiss, inserting my tongue into his mouth.If she was good, he could please her."Oh well then I guess you told me didn't you slut."“Yeah, I’m fine…”Just far enough that Tina still had to