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I took the other end of the rope and pulled slowly but firmly towards me. I noticed Aunt Sheen’s lovely, shapely legs stretch and the contours of her thigh become more distinct.She brought both hands to her sides, and slowly lowered her panties into the water, revealing her soft, black pubic hair.While I am led towards the seat intended for me he even exchanges banter with a few familiar faces.As the cameraman leaves Jake calls out, "Hey, you know how she like her eggs?"She's back, Ashley.“Probably.”The feeling washed over me taking my breath with it.My mouth actually hangs open, like a bad cliché, as the planet of Aghara-Penthay, my life, and my future all take a huge mental shift.It was almost... hopeful, like he had his own desires."Why did you send me there?"When I pulled my cock out of her a copious amount of my man seed leaked from her ass, running down the backside of her thighs.Little did he know his fortune was about to change.“What the fuck was that?” she asked him