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Susie was wearing a short, thin (nearly see-through) robe that didn't leave much to the imagination.My breasts jiggled from my chest, the nipples grazing Jericho’s pecs, the supple globes glistening caramel with my exertion.My hands squeezed her hips.Bull lied on top of Calvin and humped his cock against Calvin's whileClearly sex with a human female was exhausting work.After we got done eating I drove her back to the dorms.I walked into the bedroom and Audra was on the bed with her arms and legs opened wide.The next half hour seemed like forever.There was a desk against one wall, bookshelves on another wall, and a love seat facing the books.Two youths were close by and I heard the one that was sat up watching us say to his mate who was laid on his stomach,I gasped when I felt his dick sliding down my pussy folds.Sarah put dinner on the table andI even asked for correct spelling on a couple names.Who I had discovered was not that young.I add: "Sylvia sweetie, when you are ready please