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Bekah seemed paralyzed with amazement, but offered no resistance when Sandy pushed her back to lay on the deck.Even though he had just climaxed he was still somewhat hard and getting harder."We can talk later," she whispered sultrily to James.Deryk was gone, of course, and there was no sign of his clothes; his blue designer shorts, his nautical striped Diesel briefs and his “X”-Men T-shirt, the wallet, were all gone.The lives I claim were already meant to be gone but with you in their path I sometimes have to intervene.I took off my shoes, and followed."Fuck me, did that just happen?"My eyes rolled back in my head and my balls swelled.But you will owe me. When we are reunited in a few days, I expect to be pleasured.”They were all such cowards for kowtowing to that fucking monster.And I told Chris early-on in our relationship that I really wasn't that thrilled about dick-sucking, which was the truth.Looking into her eyes, she saw the thoughts in his head, she understood him, but s